Sunday, November 18, 2012

Classroom Photos 11-2012

What's Happening in Room 303?


iPads have invaded our classroom...and we're loving it!
Create a comic strip on the iPad about the Progressive Reforms during the Industrial Revolution in America

Create a comic strip on the iPad about the Progressive Reforms during the Industrial Revolution in America


Lab Sheet: Separation of Mixtures

Lab Sheet: Separation of Mixtures

Separation of Mixtures

Separation of Mixtures

Mixtures and Solutions: Kool Aid Lab. Which one was more concentrated?

Chromatography with Markers

Mixtures and Solutions: Kool Aid Lab. Which one was more concentrated?

Mixtures and Solutions: Kool Aid Lab. Which one was more concentrated?


Test Prep Imagine It Unit 2 Lesson 4. Timed answers with a partner


Differentiated Math 

Compass Odyssey Math Practice

Compass Odyssey Math Practice

Compass Odyssey Math Practice

Compass Odyssey Math Practice

Compass Odyssey Math Practice

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